Friday, December 16, 2005

The Votes Are In!

Each year we as a chapter must vote to elect our Executive Board, who is in charge of making sure our fraternity accomplishes all that it must during each year, and better the fraternity in all possible ways. It is also the responsibility of this Board to be leaders on campus, as well as to the younger brothers that seek guidance. I would like to thank last year's Executive Board for their time and effort that has given us the opportunity to fill some pretty big shoes. Without further ado, I would now like to announce our new Executive Board:

Eminent Archon (President) - Alex Leibson
Eminent Deputy Archon (Vice President) - Lee Procida
Eminent Treasurer - Robert Zelniker
Eminent Recorder - Brett Itzkovitz
Eminent Warden (Disciplinary)- Eric Mollo
Eminent Chronicler (Historian)- Kyle Faehner
Eminent Herald (Ritual) - Reza Shiek
Eminent Preceptor (Ritual)- Zachary Sansone
Eminent Chaplain (Spiritual Leader) - Nick Alarif

All of these positions were voted in via the chapter, and I wish them all good luck in pursuing a greater good for the fraternity!


Who by the cultivation
of all that is pure
in a man's nature
and character
will achieve the ideals
of his fraternity.

And so they have! I am proud to announce that the Fall Pledge Class of 2005, The Sigma Alpha's, have been initiated into the Delaware Alpha Chapter in the Rho-eta Province as the 27th pledge class. Starting with eleven members, and finishing strong with ten, we as a fraternity can proudly say that our new members are fully knowledgable in our beloved order, and have now been deemed worthy to carry the secrets and burdens of our national organization. With this responsibility comes great rewards, such as everlasting brotherhood, alumni relations, job opportunities, and countless others. To the new members of Delaware Alpha, I leave you with this:

I'm Phi Alpha born
and I'm Phi Alpha bred
and when i die, i'll be
Phi Alpha dead,
so rah, rah, Phi Alpha Alpha
Rah, rah Phi Alpha Alpha
Rah, rah, Phi Alpha,

Famous SAE's

Throughout history Sigma Alpha Epsilon has developed brotherhood and friendships of the deepest loyalty and sincerity. Once a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, there is no prior judgments as to the character of an individual, but rather with a handshake and display of knowledge of our fraternal oats, full respect and admiration is received, regardless of affluence or power. With this said, over the course of our history many of our brothers have become affluent, famous, and nationally recognizable for their life achievements. These brothers, such as the ones scrolling on this webpage, have given back to the fraternity that gave so much to them in their quest for knowledge and success in this difficult world by representing thousands of others. They have also given much to our country, such as General Richard Myers, Dr. Robert Ballard, Eliot Ness, Richard W. Riley, and William Mckinley, our Nation’s twenty-fifth President. Along with these names includes countless number of famous athletes, CEO’s, authors, and actors.